Sunday, May 1, 2011

Season 2 - Episode 1

Ahhh, the high school years....I think I may just have to take this one year at a time.

Freshman year. Day 1. Really, don't remember it much, for that matter, don't remember the entire year much.

But day 1.

M was my neighbor. When I moved to this house I was 9 and M was 10. We were the best of friends. Did everything together. Hung out. Rode bikes. Roller skated. Looked for bugs. We had the best of times. We experimented a little bit. Nothing sexual although we thought it was at the time. Until....

Day 1.

We were in the backyard, by the hose. I don't remember how it started or ended, but all I do remember is experiencing my very first kiss. The real kind. The tongue kind.

That was it. My first day of high school. Memorable, eh?

That was it, though. Nothing really happened between us again, at least not that I can remember. But we  had our fun times. All the gerbils or hamster thingy's in his basement. Oh, it was FULL of critters. We  used to sit out on my porch and watch thunder storms eating C3PO cereal. We caught lightning bugs and squished them on our roller skates to make the wheels glow. We had rake races in the street and jumped in leaves. Even when his friends were over, I was just 'one of the boys'. And I loved it that way.

M's family owned a deli nearby. The hot spot for kids at the time. Great food, great service, great people, and video games!!! My mom worked there for  a while so we had some little perks.

Time has moved on, but M and I still keep in touch. He's a rocker...baaaad to the bone!!! I love him as if he were a brother. Going to go send him a text now. =)

Drink Up!
Ms. Fine

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